Say No to Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs)
Jesmond is one of the nicest parts of Newcastle upon Tyne (it's about the size of Barnsbury or Highbury). Newcastle City Council has implemented an LTN in Jesmond which has proved very unpopular with both residents of Jesmond and small businesses based there. "One Jesmond" is an organisation set up to campaign against the LTN - rather like Keep Islington Moving and the other Keep X Moving groups. One Jesmond has been successful in forcing the Council to reconsider its plans and it appears to be an excellent model and source of valuable lessons learned for Islington. Click on the following links for important insights:
One Jesmond have a really nice website at (we're jealous!)
One Jesmond’s response to Newcastle City Council’s interim report on the East Jesmond LTN. This is a superb document describing the background to the LTN programme, flaws in the Council's consultation process and the current state of play.
One of the most interesting things which One Jesmond did was to survey local businesses (perhaps we should do the same). Just as with Highbury, businesses were overwhelming opposed to the LTN, as this extract from the report makes clear:
One Jesmond decided to initiate a confidential online business survey. We have already had 50 local businesses respond, many of them among our most long-established and best loved. Their responses provide a stark insight into the negative impact the LTN is having on them and their long-term sustainability.
In summary, of the 50 responses, all but one said that the introduction of the LTN trial had negatively affected their business. In addition:
➢ 98 % do not support the LTN in its current form
➢ 74 % reported a reduction in turnover
➢ 80 % reported a loss of customers
➢ 84 % reported that the LTN created a risk to the future sustainability of their business
➢ 34 % had been forced to reduce staff hours as a result of the LTN
➢ 18 % had been forced to let staff go because of the LTN
➢ 74 % thought the LTN should be scrapped and NCC should then consult with residents and business properly on a more workable alternative.
This section of the website is not so much a "Project" as a case study of an anti-LTN campaign outside Islington. Councils all over the UK started setting up LTNs during Covid and most have proved divisive and highly unpopular. There is much to be learned by comparing the experiences of other neighbourhoods to Islington.